In my last post, I created a list of things I needed to repair on the Amiga 4000 named Jools…
In my previous post, I introduced two Amiga 4000s I received from Stoo Cambridge to repair. Since then, I have…
On Saturday, I was at a Norwich Amiga Group meetup, where I got to meet Stuart (Stoo) Cambridge again. For…
In recent years, Microchip has launched a new range of AVR chips. They appear to have had some things borrowed…
A couple of days ago, I got banned from the WordPress community Slack. As this is about WordPress, I figure…
Whilst migrating from to an installation of the open source WordPress, I hit some gotchas that I couldn't easily…
Unfortunately, there is a war going on within the WordPress community. To stay as far away as possible from it,…
Since the June Amiga Expo, I have been developing some new Amiga related products. I challenged myself to launch four…
Karl at Retro32 likes to challenge me, and this time he had an interesting one. When he turned on an…
I've had several customer machines on my bench lately, there is one in particular I think is worthy of a…