
How to use the SSD1351 OLED display

In my previous post, I mentioned that I managed to get the SSD1351 working with a Raspberry Pi Pico. I…

2 years ago

Interfacing a Raspberry Pi Pico to an SSD1351 OLED Display

I was recently at FOSDEM in Brussels and noticed quite a few people walking around wearing digital badges. So, I…

2 years ago

PiStorm32-Lite and JLCPCB Soldering Issues

There is a lot going on right now about PiStorm32-Lite and the delays in production due to some soldering issues.…

2 years ago

JBC B-Iron 210 Battery Soldering Station Reivew

I had a JBC B-Iron 210 delivered yesterday so decided to record my first usage and give a quick review…

3 years ago

Drag soldering through-hole pins

Following on from my video drag soldering a QFP chip, I decided to record a demonstration of drag soldering through-hole…

3 years ago

Drag soldering a 100 pin QFP for a PiStorm 600

I created a video to demonstrate how I drag solder QFP chips onto PCBs. This one being a CPLD for…

3 years ago

Soldering Workbench Tour Update

A few months ago I gave a tour of my soldering workbench for anyone who might find it useful. All…

3 years ago

An Experiment in Drying Washed PCBs

When assembling PCBs they get quite dirty, a majority of this dirt is flux, it can be sticky and can…

3 years ago

Coding an MSP430 From the Linux Command Line

The MSP430 is a 16bit microcontroller made by Texas Instruments. As with many other embedded platforms I've been doing some…

3 years ago

Soldering Workbench Tour

Over the past couple of years I have been upgrading the soldering equipment that I used to mostly repair Amigas…

3 years ago