With my Australian Commodore 64 now working, it is time to clean it up a bit and put it back together.

After playing around a bit more with this C64 I think it is time to put it back together. The plastics were a bit grubby to say the least, so they have been put in sink and gently scrubbed to clean them off. The metallic cardboard shield I have decided not to put back in, as I tried to clean that I found that I was going to damage it more than fix it. This is inside the case now.

As a side note, I put the screw for the regulator heatsink back the right way around before putting it back in the case.

The top plastic case has also been cleaned and has spent around 10 hours total in the sun trying to brighten it a bit. This has been somewhat successful, it certainly looks better than before.

I did try to clean the keyboard keys, but the white key front printing was coming off with the dirt. So I was a little more gentle and got as much off as I could for now. At some point I may replace the “space” key which looks like someone hit it with the soldering iron on the corner. But for now I’m going to leave this machine as a working one.

With that, it is time to play a game!

I’ll leave you with a quick before and after…

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