
  • Restoring a BBC Master 128, part 2

    Restoring a BBC Master 128, part 2

    In part 1 of this series we had the machine mostly working but it needed a bit of a cleanup and some of the keyboard wasn’t functioning. With this post things have moved on a bit. Read more

  • Restoring an Amiga 500 Plus, part 1

    Restoring an Amiga 500 Plus, part 1

    This evening I managed to score an Amiga 500 Plus with so much software and accessories that I struggled to carry it to the car. It is going to need a lot of cleaning and restoring but that is all part of the fun! Read more

  • Restoring a BBC Master 128, part 1

    Restoring a BBC Master 128, part 1

    The BBC Microcomputer holds a very special place in my heart. I was lucky enough to have access to a BBC model B at home as a child. Thanks to magazines and books at the time I learnt to program BBC BASIC (and a little ASM) and that eventually led to a career in software… Read more

  • Restoring an Amiga 500, part 2

    Restoring an Amiga 500, part 2

    At the end of part 1 I had a lot of cleaning to do and a failed PSU. So I’ve been working on those things over the past few days, here is my progress. Read more

  • Restoring an Amiga 500, part 1

    Restoring an Amiga 500, part 1

    I have recently acquired an Amiga 500 that was marked as faulty and having a black screen whilst turning on. It turned up in the post today so I thought I would take a quick look to see where to start. Read more

  • LinuxJedi’s Recent Videos

    LinuxJedi’s Recent Videos

    I haven’t been writing a lot of content lately. This is in part me being involved in several videos which have taken up the time I would normally use for blogging. I figured I would link to these in a single blog post. Read more