
  • How MariaDB ColumnStore’s filenames work

    How MariaDB ColumnStore’s filenames work

    Unlike most storage engines, MariaDB ColumnStore does not store its data files in the datadir. Instead these are stored in the Performance Modules in what appears to be a strange numbering system. In this post I will walk you through deciphering the number system. If you are still using InfiniDB with MySQL, the system is… Read more

  • Tech job interviews are broken

    Tech job interviews are broken

    I have a friend who was hit by a workforce reduction at a company I used to work at (as was his entire department). He is a brilliant engineer who has worked on some massive projects. But is struggling to find somewhere new in-part due to the insane way the recruitment process works in our… Read more

  • Protocol reverse engineering with tcpdump

    Protocol reverse engineering with tcpdump

    Sometimes network protocols don’t entirely behave as documented. Other times there is no documentation at all beyond code. Either way you can sometimes find a need to sniff the traffic of a connection to find out what is really going on. Read more

  • Part of my history inside InfiniDB/ColumnStore

    Part of my history inside InfiniDB/ColumnStore

    Several years ago there was a fork of the unreleased MySQL 6.0 called Drizzle. It was designed to be a lightweight, cloud/web/UTF8 first database server with a microkernel style core. I worked for a while as one of the core developers of Drizzle until the corporate sponsor I worked for ceased funding its development. Read more

  • Linux tools: silver searcher

    Linux tools: silver searcher

    After my previous post about ack a Twitter follower, Nick Morrott, pointed out that there is a potentially better tool than ack. Have you tried ag? Much faster than ack, especially on large codebases — 🦣 (@nickmorrott) August 24, 2017 Read more

  • Linux tools: ack and memleakx

    Linux tools: ack and memleakx

    My day job requires me to spend a lot of time in Linux terminals, hammering away at MariaDB ColumnStore to write and test new code as well as finding and fixing bugs. I have decided to write about the tools I use to get the job done, especially newer ones I have discovered. Read more